Twin Rivers Baptist Association
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Churches joining hearts, prayers, and hands to see our world brought to Christ's saving power.

Block Party Trailer




Owned by the Twin Rivers Baptist Association

The Twin Rivers Baptist Association Block Party Trailer is available to associational organizations and churches at a deposit of $200.00. The trailers are for local events only. If you are considering using it for a mission trip, please contact us so we can see if there is a resource in the area you will be in to use or see what accommodations we can make to help you.

The reservation of the trailer will not be complete until the deposit AND this application are both received. Once this is accomplished you will receive an email confirmation that your event is on the calendar.

Please understand that the event will be placed on the calendar only after it is determined that the church is eligible for the rental, the $200 fee is received by TRBA, and this application is received by TRBA.

A church may request the use of the Block Party Trailer for no more than two dates at a time.  If the church needs the Block Party Trailer more than two times in a year, they must wait and make a new request for use within 30 days of the next event.  This policy will allow more of our churches to take advantage of this great ministry.  The trailer will be available to Twin Rivers Baptist Churches who are faithful financial supporters of the association.


Upon the return of the BP Trailer and approval of the inventory list, the $100 deposit will be returned within the next month. The remaining $100.00 will be placed into the Block Party Trailer Designated Fund Budget to be used for the upkeep of the equipment and supplies.

Requests for use of the trailer should be made through the application form on the Website (contact Associational Ministry Assistant with any questions 636-745-9777) at least two weeks in advance of the event.

The person making the request to reserve the trailer be advised:
Groups are responsible for transporting the trailer to the location of the event. A 2-inch receiver is required to tow.
Groups are responsible for returning the trailer to Twin Rivers Baptist Association lot the day agreed upon.
The person responsible for reserving the use of the trailer will need to make arrangements for a time to pick up the trailer.  Arrangements for pick up and drop off need to be made at least 2 weeks prior to the event.

The group using the Block Party Trailer is asked to appoint one person to be responsible for both unloading and reloading the items in the trailer. This person should pay close attention, when unloading, as to how each item is placed so that he/she can make sure everything is put back in order. This insures that during travel the items remain in place.

The best ways to SECURE the Block Party Trailer at you location are:
Park it so that the back door is one foot or less from the building.
Park it under a light in the parking lot with the Block Party Trailer’s back door up against the light pole.
Park your van or car at the back of the Block Party Trailer.
Pick up the Block Party Trailer from the Twin Rivers Baptist Association on the day agreed upon. Take the Block Party Trailer to your home and park it with the back door facing away from the street.

Use of these methods will help ensure the safety of the Block Party Trailer and all items.
 The Block Party Trailer is used by many churches each month.


Here are the rules that you agree to when reserving the Block Party Trailer:


The following rules must be adhered to by all churches and ministries as well as the operators of inflatables, equipment, machines and games from the Block Party Trailer.


Rules of Use: Bounce House

1. All inflatables must be supervised by an adult at least 17 years of age and capable of maintaining order of the participants.

2. All participants must be under 16 years of age.

3. Operators must familiarize themselves with all safety rules and convey them to the participants using the equipment.

4. Participants must remove shoes, jewelry, glasses and any loose or sharp articles before playing on the unit.

5. Participants shall not be allowed to do flips, somersaults, wrestle, or engage in any horseplay or other similar type activity which could result in serious harm.

6. Operators should observe persons in and outside the unit at all times while in use; be close enough to stop inappropriate use, and ask anyone doing dangerous acts to stop and exit the unit immediately.

7. No food, drink, gum, silly string, sharp objects, or other such items are allowed in/on the inflatable.

8. Only the maximum number of participants are allowed on the inflatable.

9. Unit cannot be moved after being set up.

10. Inflatable must be exited and deflated during inclement weather or high winds in excess of 25 mph.

11. Watch for signs of deflating. If unit starts to deflate, operator should have participants exit the unit immediately.

12. If rain occurs during church event, the church is responsible to send one or more people to TRBA office the week after the event to inflate the bounce house, insure it is dry, then deflate and return it to the trailer.


Rules of Use: Preschool Bounce House

1. All participants must be kindergarten age or younger.

2. All other rules are the same as listed above for Rules of Use: Bounce House.


Rules of Use: Popcorn Machine, Sno Cone Machine, Cotton Candy Machine

1. Unless a qualified electrician is present, do not plug more than one unit into an outlet.

2. Read and follow instructions on assembly and operating the machine.

3. When finished, equipment should be cleaned thoroughly.

4. Please inform TRBA staff of any machine that is not working properly.


Please allow time for cleaning thoroughly when finished. If you have men who can repair/replace missing parts, please have them do so before returning trailer. 

To request use of the Block Party Trailer submit this Form: 
Please Fill out this form to let us know how your Event was and to get your Deposit back